Welcome to my BLOG!!!!
You'll find odds and ends about my sewing and art projects here. You can also make suggestions for what I should make next!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Ahhh I'll be so busy these weekends.....

I'll have something to do every weekend until after April 9th....

Wish I could go to the meetup for the 5th of March : (
I have a wedding to go to and I have no idea what to wear!
I know the 19th of March I'd like to make something to wear ...
And then the 26th there is another meet.
Next up is April 9th (I'm going elsewhere the 2nd)
And then a break.

Now what to make to wear....???
I have many an idea but haven't a change to make them. I'm too busy making things for other people...
So sad.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tutorial time! (Feedback requested)(Headdress tutorial)

Remember this?
So I finished up a tutorial for it! :D
Give me all you're feedback because I want them to be as good as I can make them!
I can' seem to upload here but I have a link for deviant art!

Friday, February 18, 2011

So busy...

I'm really a horrible writer.... It's more like I don't like writing and have no idea what to write about.

Anyway, I have made 2 bloomers (one commissioned) and a skirt (commissioned) in the past week.
I plan on making at least one more bloomer to make a tutorial because a friend of mine (Roomie!!!) doesn't know how to!!!!!!! I was so dumb struck to hear that I have to make sure she knows how to! I'll be sure to post it up on here.

I have unfortunately got sick yesterday. I'm also working hard toward getting a new job so I try not to play around online, like posting on Blogs.( = P )

I think I should find somewhere to volunteer. I was thinking of trying to get an internship at a bakery because that's seems like a very lolita job! ( ^_^ )

With this cold I'd better work on these tutorials because I shouldn't leave home. ( xD )